

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Analyzing Inside the Magic's Article Title's About the Disney/DeSantis Debacle

From Inside the Magic is a website focused solely on Disney news and updates. There are a few other websites like this, such as or Inside the Magic features information about the theme parks and entertainment. Unlike other Disney news websites, however, they also report on the Disney versus DeSantis situation. For this article, I will be analyzing their article titles that reference this situation.

When utilizing the search feature on their website and typing in the word "DeSantis," 15 articles come up, and that's just in the Top Results category. Inside the Magic displays how many "hearts" each article received, so I decided to take the top three out of the 15 to analyze.

These three articles include:

Disney Wins Big Thanks to DeSantis, published on July 6, 2023, and written by Corrina Murdoch

DeSantis Bombshell May End Disney Lawsuit for Good, posted on July 10, 2023, and written by Corrina Murdoch

DeSantis Drowns in Disney War, posted on April 18, 2023, and written by Zach Gass

I noticed right away why these might be the most popular from that search based on when these were posted. The last one listed was posted the day that the Disney/DeSantis feud began, so a lot of people were interested in the topic. The other two were posted around the same time in the beginning of July. This was probably when a lot was happening surrounding the lawsuit and other big news for the situation.

These articles all use catchy words that hold a lot of impact: "Wins Big," "Bombshell," "Drowns," "Disney War," and "End Disney Lawsuit for Good." These words and phrases are all attracting due to what they imply on their own. People will see these and want to get more information about what is happening.

Inside the Magic has mastered the use of key words and phrases in their article titles, to the point where it is bordering on accurately being deemed "click-bait." It seems that what these articles have in common are eye-catching phrases and the fact that they were posted during ideal dates for this topic.

Do you see any other similarities, differences, or key factors in these article titles?

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